Discovery Channel Asia - Web Site blank space
Discovery Channel Asia - Web Site
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The Discovery Channel Asia Web Site was used to support an effort to promote the cable channel to media buyers across the Asia Pacific. We produced a media kit which included an interactive screensaver and all kinds of information to help the target make an informed decision about Discovery Channel’s potential.

Users could order the physical media kit through the site, enter the “Explore Your World” contest (they could win a trip anywhere in the world they wanted) and download the screensaver.

To reinforce the brand identity, I did little things such as making the “Next” and “Previous” buttons icons which denoted motion. And each reflected an aspect of Discovery Channel’s programming (i.e. Human Adventure, History, Science & Technology, etc.). Note the examples on the left.

The site was promoted in local trade magazines such as Media and AdWeek.

The site was a Finalist in the Media category of the “Best of the Web 1997” awards held by the Singaporean ISP, Pacific Internet, and sponsored by Apple, Sun, Cisco and Ascend.

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