Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - “Chat With Me” Java Application blank space
Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific [Chat With Me - Startup Page]
[Startup Page]
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Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific [Chat With Me - Logging-in]
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Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific [Chat With Me - Chatting]
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Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific [Chat With Me - Instructions]
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Nokia’s tag line is “Connecting People.” If people are on the Internet, especially Nokia’s own regional Web site - it followed that we should create a chat site for like-minded users. At least that was the logic beyond my proposition to them. In 1996 it was very unusual to have a chat system that was in ‘real-time.’ That is, one that did not require the user to continually hit ‘reload’ to see what the other person said. I don’t generally believe in the Java language since it’s so slow and, contrary to its publicity and intent, not universal, but in this instance, it worked perfectly.

I imbedded the chat interface in Nokia’s then new Nokia 9000 Communicator phone. It was a revolutionary device that allowed Internet access. In fact, people using its Telnet facility could actually chat to people in much the same way. I made sure the virtual phone’s scroll buttons worked to emphasize the experience. I tried to arrange for certain times that Nokia’s marketing and technical staff would be present to communicate directly to their consumers and encouraged users to ask questions about Nokia’s products relative to their competitors.

There was a special password-protected administrator page that allowed the sysadmin to kick-off troublesome users, record the conversation buffer for future analysis of user issues, etc. Users could talk to each other privately or to the group as a whole just as in traditional, non-Web chat systems. They could even switch to other user groups hosted on the same chat server.

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