Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - “Dealernet” Extranet blank space
Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - “Dealernet” Extranet [Main]
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Nokia Mobile Phones wanted to be able to communicate with its dealers across the Asia Pacific region. They also want the dealers talking together to share strategies, experiences and tips. Australia was a good test market for the first leg of this knowledge management extranet because they tend to embrace technology, have a good infrastructure and the dealers there already help each out.

There are six main sections: Contact Nokia, Marketing Support, Product Information, Service & Repairs, Technology and Training. The system was created with a heady mixture of grunt a-typical HTML/JavaScript/PERL coding and Oracle’s Designer 2000 dynamic database system.

Even though I did most of the programming (not the Oracle PL/SQL coding though), I feel the design is the most important thing. Dealers can use the dynamic JavaScript, SmartChoice menu system or traditional graphical text links to get around so navigation isn’t a problem. But by following through with Nokia’s new “Unity” creative platform (cross-processed [highly-saturated] imagery and lots of curves/circles), the Dealers can feel they are comfortably within the official Nokia system by being surrounded by a familiar “feel”.

Functionally, they can talk to each other through a threaded message forum; leave product tips for each other; send in feedback about training courses (or sign up for them) and the like. They can also read media plans, see logo guidelines, get contact information for their territory, become educated about technical matters in depth, read newsletters and product bulletins and a whole bunch of other things which makes their jobs that much easier. Having information located in one, convenient repository can do nothing but simplify processes.

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Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - “Dealernet” Extranet [Contact Nokia]
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Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - “Dealernet” Extranet [Ad Guidelines]
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