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Permanent Address:
2900 Silverleaf Drive
Austin, Texas 78757
(512) 454-6090




Chief Executive Officer & Executive Creative Director
February, 1996 - Present


Asia Pacific (based in Singapore)

Consultancy specializing in developing ‘e’-business plans and processes, online marketing, creative development and design, implementation of relevant technology as well as media planning. Services are also offered to develop and manage e-commerce Web sites, intranets, extranets, CD-ROMs and applications for top consumer brands.

Worldwide CEO (based in the US)

Managing Director, Director of Interactive Marketing, Creative Director, Technical Director and Executive Producer. Responsible for staff of 50.

Build a world-class creative studio network in Asia.

Win business from and service Fortune 100 companies through innovation, creative excellence, quality control and execution. Get business beyond Bates Advertising sister network. Write presentations, proposals and develop myriad of project types. Build a network by hiring and training staff in infant industry and manage same. Establish guidelines and recommend computer systems and techniques both internally and to clients. Supervise regional senior management team.

Business profitable from first year. Grown to one of the top 40 agencies in the world in terms of revenues (according to Advertising Age and Ad Week magazines) within three years. Highest margins within the entire Cordiant Communications Group Worldwide network for any subsidiary. Most industry awarded company in the Asia Pacific resulting in a high profile. Clients have included agency of record status in the Asia Pacific for Compaq, Nokia, ESPN, Visa, Heineken, Singapore Telecom, Hong Kong Tourist Association, Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group as well as substantial project work for Coca-Cola, Cisco Systems, Singapore Airlines, HSBC, Discovery Channel, General Motors, British-American Tobacco, DBS Bank and Animal Planet among others.

Increased Productivity
Created streamlined production/work-flow processes from initial proposal through to maintenance which is packagable and can be used throughout entire CCG Worldwide new media network. Designed and produced a series of Web-based applications for same which the accounts team uses to open a job #, issue an estimate into a searchable database, obtain a detailed brief, track the project through phases and gain client approval. This has improved productivity by no less than four times the previous manual system and allows for careful project-by-project analysis as well as demonstrating to clients where a responsibility lies for each step.

Raised Standards
Trained creative and production staff in necessity for complete and redundant error-checking throughout entire process. Demonstrated need and methodology for coming up with original and innovative, tight and world-class designs, interfaces, user utilities and production techniques using tools such as PhotoShop channels/original filters and DeBabelizer or Fireworks. This has set the agency apart from the majority in the Asian region with a reputation for quality and originality (as validated by industry and user group awards).

Created New Revenue Source
Wrote a business plan that will create a subsidiary for the agency to carry out Web site maintenance and mini-site (low budget) creation. This allows the main agency to closely control the quality and standards of the work without relying on third-party vendors who might have other agendas and capabilities or distracting the agency’s high-cost designers and programmers from their original tasks. Revenue that would have been lost to third party costs are also channeled back into the network and this subsidiary will go after its own independent maintenance/low-budget business to help grow it.


Founder, PacRim Imports, Singapore/Jakarta/Austin, Texas, 1994-Present
Started online catalog business to sell Southeast Asian art through the World Wide Web. One of first online shops in the world. Reported in Time International - July, 1998 issue. Established e-commerce sales model used by future top brand clients (including Nokia and Compaq).

Partner/Creative Director, Magic Media, Singapore, 1994-1996
Began regional production/post-production video business with local partners within the Kedaung Group. Responsible for all creative and technical decisions as well as having a significant voice in direction of company. Generally managed day-to-day processes and employees and liaised with Fortune 500 clients. One of first implementations of a nonlinear, digital video editing system in a studio in Singapore.

Creative Director/Systems Analyst, Kedaung Group Worldwide, Indonesia, 1992-1994
Established design and photography studio to manage needs of 23 conglomerate members throughout Asia as well as a pre-press service bureau for both in-house and external business opportunities. Trained and managed staff of 30. Within 2 1/2 years the studios were profitable and self-managable when previously the Group, one of the world’s largest manufacturers and distributors of glass and flatware, wasn’t using computers at all for its design and printing processes and hadn’t considered selling these services.

Pre-Press Sales Manager/Art Director, MacProducts Asia, Singapore, 1991-1992

Graphic Designer/Systems Manager, Dimyon, Israel, 1989-1990

Head Pre-Press Operator/Systems Manager, RJL Graphics, Austin, Texas, 1988-1990


Founder and President of the Asian New Media Association [ANMA]
[The only such association/organization in all of Asia]

Juror for 1999 Clio’s international advertising festival

Monthly Columnist for ADOI Magazine
[An Asian regional advertising & marketing publication]

Chairman of 4A’s 1998 Creative Circle Awards new media jury

Charter Member of the Singapore Chapter of the Internet Advertising Bureau [IAB]

Member of the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents [4As]

Work with the Economic Development Board [EDB] of Singapore and the National Computer Board [NCB] to help develop industry relevant courses with the local universities, polytechnics and design schools

Teach design and applications to industry individuals and businesses

Wrote and edited instructive design/pre-press newsletter - “Imagery” (Circulated to over 350 ad agencies and design houses)

Wrote and edited 1,000-word glossary for graphic design industry


Business Management, Tel Aviv University, 1989-90
Computer Science, Southwest Texas State University, 1986-88

Curriculum Vitae
Client Index
Corporate Identity Index Page
Backgrounder Loaded Site