Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - “The Line-Up” Web Site Contest blank space
Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - “The Line-Up” Web Site Contest Screenshot
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After the involved plot of the Engineer Contest, I thought I’d tone it down a bit with a simpler idea. Should cater to everyone. I had the same model photographed as five separate people (male and female) to represent different personalities (segments) who might use Nokia phones.

The contestants were told they were “called in” by the police because only their expert knowledge of Nokia mobile phones could help solve a tough case. They had to match-up the people in the police line-up with a cache of found stolen phones in order to weed out the thief. Also, so as to get around some local Asian laws concerning gambling, I asked them to write an answer to the question: If Nokia were a person, what kind of personality do you think it would have?

The answers to this last question aided our parent ad agency, Bates, and Nokia in determining if their localized advertising campaigns were truly effective in establishing the brand personality.

Line-Up Contest Banner

Who Dun It? Line-Up Contest Banner

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