Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - Nokia 9000 Shockwave Director
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Nokia Mobile Phones Asia Pacific - Nokia 9000 Shockwave Director
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in Shockwave Director
Sure, the QuickTime-VR demo we did for the Nokia 9000 Communicator was effective. Getting people to see the wonder of this first-of-a-kind mobile phone cum personal organizer and wireless Internet access mini-computer. But they could only see how it went from being a normal mobile phone into the Communicator mode. They couldn’t see how it really worked.

To really show them we created a Director Shockwave presentation. It started with the Nokia 9000 standing upright, like a normal mobile phone. Clicking it caused it to rotate down into a horizontal position where the seam glowed, imploring the user to touch it. When they did, the phone would suddenly open up to reveal the lcd screen and keyboard. They could zoom in and begin pressing the keys (all worked, including the shift and chr keys).

To make the demonstration truly effective - so they could really grasp that it is Internet capable - we built in a program that allowed them to send an actual email to someone through the Communicator. Using the Nokia 9000’s keyboard to type in the addresses.

It proved so popular and successful that we continued development on it and turned it into a distributable CD-ROM presentation which included a tutorial, brochure and contact info.

The Shockwave movie caused the Nokia Asia Web site to become the first of any in Asia to win the coveted Macromedia “Shocked Site of the Week” award.

Featured in the book, “Shockwave Studio - Designing Multimedia for the Web” by Robert Schmitt. O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. ISBN: 1-56592-231-X.

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